Conference Review
A platform to highlight signalling developments
On 17-18 October 2012, Global Railway Review held its 8th annual Rail Network Solutions conference in Budapest, Hungary, and once again attracted top-level industry experts from government, rail infrastructure managers, train operating companies, consultants and suppliers to discuss the latest ERTMS developments in Hungary and the surrounding countries.
Hosted by MÁV and GYSEV, this year’s event provided attendees with unrivalled access to the key decision makers from the region’s railways as ETCS and GSM-R projects move forward.
ETCS Level 2 projects continue to top the agenda in a number of European countries with a significant number either at the implementation stage, in the pipeline, or at tender stage.
The event began in the afternoon of Wednesday 17 October 2012 which was dedicated to a networking trip to the Hungarian Railway Museum (hosted by MÁV) before pre-conference workshops took place giving attendees the opportunity to take part in in-depth discussions into the most pressing issues facing railways across Europe.
Thursday 18 October 2012 was the main conference day and was Chaired by Poul Frøsig, Senior Advisor for Interoperability, TSI’s and ERTMS. In his presentation, Poul focused on Limited Supervision (LS) and if it is a possible application for Central Europe. Along with giving a comprehensive explanation and background look at LS, Poul went on to highlight the status in Central Europe and the next steps.
Attendees to Rail Network Solutions 2012 were, of course, keen to hear expert keynote speeches from representatives from MÁV and these were given by Zsolt Novák a Technical Expert, and signalling Engineer Peter Toth. To highlight the current situation of ETCS Level 2 in Hungary, Zsolt Novák gave an insight into on-going projects and also provided details of plans for implementation of ETCS Level 2 up to 2020. To concentrate on the importance of level crossing protection with ETCS, Peter Toth focused on lessons learnt and lessons to be learnt in this area.
Turning the attention to one of Hungary’s neighbouring countries, Danilo Sirnik from Slovenian Railways presented details about the GSM-R rollout in Slovenia, including plans and projects and current conditions with the GSM-R tender. To conclude his presentation, Danilo explained that the new GSM-R network must follow the newest standards.
Focusing on ETCS implementation in another of Hungary’s neighbouring countries, Friedrich Cerny, Signalling Engineer from ÖBB Infrastructure, in Austria, gave a comprehensive look at Level 2 projects and the testing process on the ÖBB network.
Moving further afield to provide an insight into a project in the UK, Peter Leppard of Arriva UK Trains gave details about the introduction of ETCS Level 2 on the Cambrian line and explained the lessons learnt both in equipping the rolling stock and implementing the infrastructure.
Rail Network Solutions 2012 was supported by a number of industry suppliers including SYRTEM, Nokia Siemens Networks and Prover Technology. Technical experts from these companies also gave presentations during the event to explain how their organisations can help the railway signalling arena.
Two panel discussions took place during the conference to give delegates the chance to ask questions to speakers, and for the speakers to elaborate on the topics highlighted in their presentations. Areas discussed and up for debate during these sessions included: challenges in migrating to ETCS Level 2; tender processes; the relationship between infrastructure manager and supplier; and general lessons learnt.
Networking lunch and coffee breaks, plus an informal drinks reception to mark the end of the conference, gave delegates, speakers and sponsors the perfect chance to exchange business cards and discuss the day’s proceedings in a productive business setting.
Global Railway Review would like to thank MÁV and GYSEV, delegates, speakers and sponsors of the event for their involvement in making the conference a success. We look forward to meeting you at another Global Railway Review conference in the future!
Following the success of the event we will be back in 2013 with some new highlights. Be sure to visit our website regularly for any updates.
If you attended Rail Network Solutions 2012 please tell us your opinions by completing our online survey by clicking here.
Please contact Sarah Gooding if you have any questions about our Rail Network Solutions event.
Sarah Gooding
Content Director
[email protected]
+44(0) 1959 563 311