In-Depth Focus: FRMCS
16 December 2022
As the industry continues to learn more about the role and expectations of the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS), this In-Depth Focus brings together articles to explore the case for FRMCS rollout across Switzerland, speeding up FRMCS deployment in Finland, and how the next generation of telecommunication needs for rail can help enhance the performance and cost-efficiency of operations.

- Supporting development with an integrated approach
Carlo Borghini, Executive Director of Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking (EU-Rail), considers the next generation of telecommunication needs for rail to help enhance the performance and cost-efficiency of operations, while ensuring safety and security.
- Finland’s fast track to FRMCS
Simon Indola, the Project Manager responsible for implementing FRMCS in Finland, argues that the ‘bearer independent and future-proof’ FRMCS solution, utilising commercially available Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), represents a significant opportunity for European railways.
- Towards FRMCS in Switzerland
Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) colleagues Massimiliano Rizzato, International Telecom Standardisation Manager, and Michael Hopf, System Engineer for FRMCS, explore the case for FRMCS rollout across Switzerland’s rail network and explain the challenges that will come with migration and implementation.
- Expert View
Michael Kloecker, Head of Solutions Management Railways at Nokia explores how railways are focusing on FRMCS for a digital future.