
Rail Station Development and Regeneration 2022

Date: 28 June 2022

Locaton: London or Online

Attend Rail Station Development and Regeneration to ensure you are up to date with the latest plans for station development. You will hear practical guidance on how to overcome some of the biggest challenges facing delivering station infrastructure, from how to successfully secure funding to improving sustainability.

Join leading rail and property experts, explore key issues including how to meet passenger requirements, how stations need to adapt to recover from the impact of COVID-19 and what the introduction of Great British Railways might mean for the future of station development. With essential project updates, from developments across the UK and of all scales, hear the latest insights and best practice on how to practically deliver projects, in a way that maximises their potential and wider area growth.

View full agenda.

This event provides you an opportunity to register to attend in person in Central London, or to access all the talks and content of the day online.

Visit the event’s website for more information here