
Rail Infrastructure Asset Management Summit 2024

Date: 31 January 2024 - 1 February 2024

20 Water Street
Wood Wharf
United Kingdom

Website: www.metisconferences.com/riams-summit

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: +44 7426 377301

The Rail Infrastructure Asset Management Summits (RIAMS) provides a platform for global railway infrastructure owners, undertakers, suppliers, and stakeholders to collaborate on ongoing efforts to leverage technology, data, and analytics for more effective asset management to optimise operational efficiency, reduce cost, time, labour and enhance safety in rail operations.

At RIAMS2024, our line-up of global speakers from high-speed rail companies including DB Netz AG, Network Rail, ProRail, Infrabel, SBB CFF FFS, SNCF, RB Rail AS, Trafikverket, RFI and many more will share valuable real-world experiences from across Europe and Asia providing actionable insights, practical applications, and evidence-based discussions on strategies for balancing asset renewal, refurbishment, and maintenance activities. Gain insights into the latest technological advancements, including AI, machine learning, mathematical optimization and examine the benefits of investments in such digital solutions to optimise asset management processes in rail.

Our RIAMS2022 summit Chairman, Joao Rocha, Head of Asset Management & Maintenance, East West Rail, emphasised the need to evolve and advance the discussions from the previous year. “The focus needs to be on embracing technological advancements, particularly in AI and advanced analytics, to enhance rail asset management. The central theme should revolve around improving digital strategies to unlock the full potential of investments in asset management systems”.

Join us RIAMS2024 to discover how infrastructure owners are turning data into actionable solutions for traffic planning, dispatching, and optimizing track capacity, developing a holistic approach to big data, AI, and advanced analytics to cultivate a data-driven mindset in rail and improve asset lifecycle planning while considering the broader impact on system safety and value for money!


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