
Rail Week

Date: 7 October 2019 - 13 October 2019

Website: www.railweek.com

Rail Week, the brainchild of YRP, is a pan-industry collaborative effort aimed at bridging the rail sector’s looming skills gap and inspiring the next generation of rail professionals. The week of rail-related activity will include a plethora of events, visits and talks to promote careers in our great industry to the public, in particular to students at schools, colleges and universities across the UK.

Rail Week brings together the rail industry to celebrate all that is great about rail and rail careers. The first ever Rail Week in the UK was in the Summer of 2016 and is growing bigger every year!

Rail Week gives young people, parents, teachers and careers advisors the opportunity to see first-hand the exciting projects and facilities and range of jobs in rail! During Rail Week, the rail sector opens its doors and goes out into the community to deliver exciting interactive rail activities by:

  • Hosting tours of depots, factories, control centres, stations, and more…
  • Organising events, special lectures and seminars about rail projects and innovation
  • Volunteering staff to get involve with outreach activities

Click here to view the list of upcoming events.

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