
Rail Europe unveils streamlined tech solutions

Posted: 16 November 2023 | | No comments yet

The company Rail Europe have unveiled new streamlined tech solutions, including the innovative RailFlash at WTM London.

rail europe tech solution

Rail Europe, the leading brand for train booking solutions, has announced its revamped tech solutions range at the WTM (World Travel Market) London. Designed to offer businesses greater flexibility and scalability, this enhanced lineup introduces a blend of old favourites and an innovative newcomer, tailored to meet the evolving demands of the travel industry.

The streamlined tech suite includes:

  • RailAPI: A robust, real-time synchronisation tool allowing businesses direct access to Rail Europe’s vast database, perfect for those seeking deep integration and customisation.
  • RailFlash: a sleek API-like solution, ideal for businesses aiming for swift, lightweight connectivity without the need for comprehensive integration. This new solution is designed with simplicity, efficiency, and speed in mind, ensuring partners can get up and running in no time.
  • RailPortal: An off-the-shelf trade website solution that provides a gateway to Rail Europe’s offerings. It’s pre-designed with a user-friendly interface, allowing businesses to hit the ground running with minimal setup.
  • RailLink: The simplest connectivity solution, perfect for businesses looking to establish an affiliation with Rail Europe and earn commissions without the complexities of deeper integration.

“In today’s fast-paced travel industry, it’s crucial to provide our partners with versatile, efficient, and scalable tech solutions. We believe our refined product range, and particularly the introduction of RailFlash, embodies this philosophy. We are excited to showcase these at WTM London and collaborate with businesses to elevate their connectivity with Rail Europe,” said Björn Bender, Executive Chairman and CEO of Rail Europe.

Rail Europe’s new tech solutions are designed to make train travel a fast, simple, and seamless choice for travellers and travel operators worldwide.

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