
Successful rollout of AutoHaul™ is celebrated by Rio Tinto

Posted: 19 June 2019 | | No comments yet

Rio Tinto has been celebrating the successful deployment of AutoHaul™, the world’s first automated heavy-haul long distance rail network.

Rio Tinto

AutoHaul™ trains, which deliver safety and productivity benefits for Rio Tinto’s iron ore business, have also positioned Western Australia (WA) and its heavy-haul rail industry as a global leader in the joint development and application of rail technology.

Today, 2.4 kilometre long trains, monitored remotely from an operations centre in Perth, travel across a vast network of 1,700 kilometres of track, delivering iron ore from 16 mines to ports in Dampier and Cape Lambert. These trains have now safely travelled more than 4.5 million kilometres autonomously since they were first deployed in 2018.

Rio Tinto have worked in close collaboration with project partners from Japan, US and Australia. These included lead technology partner Hitachi Rail STS, along with Calibre, New York Air Brake, Wabtec and others who provided the necessary expertise, innovation and software to make AutoHaul™ a success. Several of these partners maintain a strong presence in WA and have committed to continuing to invest locally.

Rio Tinto Iron Ore Managing Director Rail, Port & Core Services Ivan Vella said the deployment of AutoHaul™ is a reflection of the incredible pioneering spirit of the project team and its valued partners.

“The success of AutoHaul™ would not have been possible without the expertise, collaboration and dedication of teams within Rio Tinto and our numerous partners. I’d also like to commend our train driving workforce for their support and professionalism during the transition period.”

WA Minister for Mines and Petroleum Bill Johnston said the AutoHaul™ project is a world-first and an example of the strength of Western Australia’s resources industry.

 “AutoHaul™ has brought the rail freight industry in this country into the 21st century and is rightfully the subject of global interest. I’d also like to mention that the development of the world’s biggest robot is such a success because of the contribution from Western Australia’s skilled engineers and innovative workers.”

Michele Fracchiolla, President Americas and APAC Business Unit, Hitachi Rail STS commented: 

“This is a new technical benchmark for the freight rail industry worldwide and the result of a long-established and collaborative partnership between Rio Tinto and Hitachi Rail STS. Now that the trains are running autonomously, the levels of continuous improvement that can be achieved in safety, operational efficiency and sustainability are endless.”

Early results from the deployment of AutoHaul™ highlight the technology’s potential to improve productivity, increase flexibility and reduce bottlenecks in Rio Tinto’s iron ore system. Rio Tinto’s Pilbara operations are being transformed to flex in line with market conditions and AutoHaul™ is a vital component in increasing flexibility and safety in the system.

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