
The Internet of Rail: How to transform data into asset management improvements

Supported by:

15 February 2018

Supported by:

15 February 2018


The whole railway market is shifting towards remote monitoring of its key assets. Data analysis and connectivity aims to gradually change preventive maintenance from a systematic approach to on-condition and, eventually, to predictive maintenance.

Alstom’s rail system approach is focused on system behaviour, which is what delivers service reliability. Alstom understands the rail components and systems as a whole, as much as it understands data treatment. We put both worlds at service of the rail performance.

Discussed during this webinar

  • Alstom’s business oriented overview of data capturing and how we turn the data into information for decision making, maintenance tasks and improvements in rail operation
  • Learn how to switch from preventive maintenance (mileage-based) into condition-based and predictive maintenance while reducing risk to a minimum
  • Learn how to implement CBM and predictive maintenance with our use-cases in operation. We share lessons on how we reduced service affecting failures in doors and improved passenger comfort and reduced costs on HVAC. 


Christophe Sanguina
Christophe Sanguina, Market & Portfolio Director for Services, Alstom

Prior to working at Alstom, Christophe Sanguina was Solution Manager for Predictive Maintenance and has vast sales experience in the railway market and project management.

Pierre Dersin

Pierre Dersin, RAM (Reliability-Availability-Maintainability) Director and PHM (Prognostics & Health Management) Director, Alstom

With a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and a Masters in OR from MIT, Pierre joined Alstom in 1990. He founded the “RAM Center of Excellence”. He has contributed to a number of publications, conferences and journals in the fields of RAMS and PHM among others, and is the lead author of four chapters in the forthcoming “Handbook of Railway RAMS: Theory & Practice” (Taylor & Francis).

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    This content is provided to you for free thanks to the kind support of our sponsor: Alstom


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    2 responses to “The Internet of Rail: How to transform data into asset management improvements”

    1. Alex Cooley says:

      Thank you to everyone who was able to attend today. The on-demand recording will be available within 24 hours. Should you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below.

      • Alex Cooley says:

        Hi Everyone. I am pleased to let you know that the recording of this webinar is now available to watch on demand. Should you have any feedback please let us know below in the comments.

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