
Project begins to streamline type approvals in Australian rail industry

The ARA have teamed with RISSB to lead the research project, by reviewing the range of type approvals used and identifying areas to save time.

ARA research

The Australasian Railway Association (ARA) and Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board (RISSB) have joined forces to lead a new research project to quantify opportunities to streamline type approvals in the Australian rail industry.

The ARA and RISSB have appointed Synergies Economic Consulting to lead the research to review the range of type approvals used across the country and identify opportunities to save time and money by adopting a more nationally consistent, standardised process.

The collaborative project has been welcomed, with many feeling that it will highlight the inefficiencies faced by the industry and justify the need to review and harmonise type approval processes.

“Different type approvals processes are in use across the country and can add cost and complexity to rail operations,” Caroline Wilkie Chief Executive Officer for ARA, said. “This research will provide a clear pathway to achieving a national approach to support improved efficiency in the industry.”

“Approvals processes are regularly cited as being cumbersome, expensive and a barrier to innovation,” Deborah Spring, Chief Executive Officer for RISSB, said. “This seminal work will begin to explore how we can make improvements while improving safety.”

The project addresses key actions in the ARA’s Rail Supply Chain Blueprint, which recommended developing a clearer understanding of the impact of current type approvals processes. It will also support a national type approvals working group led by Transport for NSW to develop nationally agreed principles and support greater innovation in the industry.

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