
PJM complete the measurement approval of ÖBB Nightjets

Posted: 16 November 2023 | | No comments yet

PJM completed the aerodynamic measurements of the new ÖBB Nightjets, which will be in service in Germany and Austria from December.

pjm measurement nightjets approval

The first journey of the new generation of ÖBB Nightjets is coming soon. From 10th December, the new Generation Viaggio Next Level night coaches will be in service in Austria and Germany. Rail passengers look forward to a wide range of comfort categories and technical innovations. PJM was commissioned with the overall approval in cooperation with ÖBB. As an accredited test laboratory according to ISO/IEC 17025, the Austrian system specialist oversaw the design and production of the measuring wheelsets as well as for the approval tests in the areas of running behavior, fatigue strength, acoustics, and aerodynamics.

The aerodynamic vehicle tests were performed at speeds of 200 km/h in the tunnel and 230 km/h on the open railway line. During these measurements, compliance with the permissible aerodynamic stresses was checked on the train platform, on the open track and in tunnels. The required boundary conditions in Austria can currently only be realized on the Westbahn line, which is why the test runs took place between Vienna and Linz.

Austria’s railway expertise is reflected in the modern night trains. With the new Nightjets, ÖBB is expanding its role as market leader in the European night train business: Siemens Mobility was responsible for the development, the carriages were manufactured in Vienna and the bogies and wheelsets came from Graz. PJM carried out the approval tests and the measuring wheelsets were designed and manufactured in the headquarters of Graz.

  • Aerodynamic measurements according to TSI LOC&PAS, EN 14067-4 and 14067-5
  • The tests were carried out on the highspeed line in Lower Austria (up to 230 km/h)
  • Flexibility and precise preparation were required in advance so as not to interfere with the tight timetable of the heavily used Western railway line (“Westbahn”)
  • PJM is the only test centre in Austria that is recognised in the field of aerodynamics

PJM is an internationally renowned railway system specialist and has successfully implemented projects in 30 countries on 6 continents. As an accredited test centre according to ISO/IEC 17025, PJ Messtechnik GmbH carries out tests worldwide for the approval of rail vehicles. These include the Rhaetian Railway, the Mountaineer in Canada, the TILO regional railway, the S-Bahn in Berlin and Riyadh and the underground railways in Chicago and London.

PJ Monitoring GmbH is a technology leader in the automation and digitalisation of rail freight transport with its pioneering Waggon Tracker system. PJ Motion GmbH offers a comprehensive full-service package for the authorization of track-bound vehicles. PJM was founded in 2006. About 65 employees ensure “100% Made in Austria”: R&D, hardware and software development, production and administration come exclusively from Austria.

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