
KiwiRail’s new footage highlights urgent need for railway safety awareness

Posted: 9 August 2024 | | No comments yet

A newly released video of a train collision emphasises the urgent need for heightened awareness and personal responsibility at railway level crossings.

KiwiRail's new footage highlights urgent need for railway safety awareness

KiwiRail has reported that a recently released video of a collision between a train and a motor vehicle at a level crossing underscores the critical need for heightened awareness around railway tracks. The footage captures a car accelerating towards the train tracks and entering the path of an approaching train, despite the presence of warning signals. The train drivers’ distress is evident in the recording, but they were unable to prevent the crash.

KiwiRail Chief Asset Development Officer David Gordon explained that the release of the video is intended to draw attention to the importance of individual responsibility at level crossings. He said: “Luckily, in this case, the accident was not fatal. But even close calls at level crossings can take a huge toll on train drivers and those who narrowly avoid death.”

In addition, statistics reveal a pressing safety concern: in the year leading up to 30 June, there had been 19 collisions and 173 near misses at level crossings. Over the past decade, over 170 people have lost their lives in train-related incidents.

The video had been unveiled 5 August 2024 as Rail Safety Week kicked off in Wellington. The 2024 campaign features a new initiative urging the public to adopt the ‘Steely Stare’ approach, encouraging vigilance when approaching railway crossings. KiwiRail and TrackSAFE are behind the campaign, emphasising the importance of personal responsibility.

“Disappointingly, the latest figures show that 95% of collisions and 73% of near misses were at crossings that already have flashing lights and bells or barrier arms installed,” said Gordon. “This emphasises how important an individual’s behaviour is when it comes to safety around railway tracks.”

TrackSAFE Manager Megan Drayton said: “Trains and rail maintenance vehicles always have right of way and travel faster than they appear to. Locomotive engineers can blow the horn and put on the emergency brakes, but there is often little else they can do to stop the train in a hurry.” 

The campaign, launched in 2023, aims to remind motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists to be extra cautious and to look thoroughly before crossing railway tracks.

Rail Safety Week is a collaborative effort co-ordinated by KiwiRail and TrackSAFE, in association with NZTA Waka Kotahi, NZ Police, Auckland Transport, Auckland One Rail, Greater Wellington Regional Council, Transdev Wellington and various councils, supporting organisations and schools across New Zealand.

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