
Network Rail makes significant changes to its Board

Posted: 9 July 2018 | | 1 comment

A new non-executive director and chief executive have been brought onto the Board at Network Rail, with retirements scheduled for later on in the year…


David Noyes, former CEO of Cunard and Senior Director at BA, has joined Network Rail’s Board as a Non-Executive Director.

David is experienced in leading corporate transformations with a focus on improving customer service, whilst driving cost efficiency, and is skilled in managing devolved businesses in a safety critical industry.


David Noyes

Michael O’Higgins, a current Non-Executive Director, is retiring and will be leaving the Board on the 31 August 2018.

Sir Peter Hendy, CBE and Chair of Network Rail, said: “Having someone with David’s background and experience, particularly in customer services and managing devolved businesses, will be a great asset to the Board as Network Rail continues its transformation journey into a more customer focused, devolved group of businesses.”

Peter continued: “I’d like to thank Michael for his time with us and his successful contribution to the Board.”

Network Rail has also confirmed dates for the change-over of its chief executive.

Mark Carne, the current Chief Executive, will retire on 13 August 2018 and the new chief executive, Andrew Haines, will take over on 14 August. Mark will continue working for Network Rail until early September, finishing off his work on the CP6 (Control Period 6 – 2019 to 2024) funding settlement.

One response to “Network Rail makes significant changes to its Board”

  1. Glynn says:

    with the poor performance and gross overspend on electrification on GWML its high time certain people were booted off the board

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