
Episode 1: improving network performance

Posted: 23 October 2019 | | No comments yet

Michael Robson, international rail consultant speaks to Global Railway Review’s Editor, Craig Waters, about the importance of improving network performance and capacity, investments in technology and how digital solutions are impacting rail operations.

As the rail industry around the world remains under pressure to improve network performance and resolve capacity issues, utilising technology to monitor and maintain the health of assets is crucial. But what kinds of technology are available to the industry, what are the main challenges for infrastructure managers around investments and funding, and how big a part will evolving technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality and robotics, have in the future of rail?

Michael shares his experiences, insights and opinions on these matters in this podcast.

Also, join Michael Robson and other key industry experts at Digital Rail Revolution 2019 in London on 7 November 2019.

This one-day conference organised by Global Railway Review will bring together senior managers from infrastructure operators and train operating companies to explore how the railways must further embrace all that modern technology has to offer, whilst sharing examples of best practice and discussing the current challenges and how to combat them.

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