
In-Depth Focus: Cyber-Security

Posted: 31 July 2019 | | No comments yet

Thanks to advances in digital solutions and innovative technology, our railways are delivering better operational efficiency, reliability and enhanced passenger experience. However, with these advances comes the risk of cyber-threat. How is the industry reacting to challenges around cyber-security?

Overcoming and understanding cyber-security challenges
Famously, Frank Sinatra did it his way, but when Yael Mor joined Israel Railways, she learned that if she wanted to build and incorporate an effective cyber ‘attitude’ for the organisation, she would have to do it the ‘rail’ way. Here she discusses three major cyber-security challenges that she has identified as Israel Railways’ Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).

The growth of big data and cyber-threats
With the rise of big data and the subsequent growth in cyber-threats, Tommaso Spanevello, Public Affairs Manager at UNIFE, outlines an effective cyber-security strategy for the rail sector and highlights that more cross-industry collaboration is needed to ultimately benefit the future of rail’s success.

certMILS eases security certification of railway systems
The certMILS project aims to protect critical infrastructure against cyber-attacks by compositional security certification to deliver a certified Multiple Independent Levels of Security (MILS) platform. But how can this be applied to railway systems? The project’s Technical Leader, Sergey Tverdyshev, explains more.

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