
HS2 has potential to boost job opportunities in UK and beyond

Posted: 5 April 2013 | | No comments yet

HS2 has a bright future in the UK, and has real potential to boost job opportunities…

hs2 train

HS2 has a bright future in the UK, and has real potential to boost job opportunities, according to built environment professionals. has found that three quarters of professionals believe that HS2 will deliver long-term growth in job opportunities (76%), and that the project will be the biggest driver of jobs over the next five years (76%).

Whilst HS2’s benefits to career opportunities will be far fetching, professionals felt that civil engineers stand to benefit the most (61%), followed by project managers (50%) and mechanical engineers (43%).

It’s certain that this opportunity has captured the attention of the industry, as 80% of professionals would consider making the move to work on this project, perhaps driven by it’s high profile credentials, which would undoubtedly give professionals’ CVs a boost. This is substantiated by the 80% of professionals who felt working on the project would make them more employable.

For those who do work on the project, the benefits aren’t just confined to the UK. Over three quarters of professionals felt that this accolade on their CVs would assist them in gaining a future career overseas, as employers far and wide can see the benefits that working on HS2 could bring.

The opportunities presented by HS2 have led professionals to consider moving closer to the project in order to enhance their chances of being involved. 71% of professionals would relocate to work on the project. Perspectives could drive this move on salary, as 65% believe salaries would be greater on HS2.

Rob Searle, Commercial Director, stated that: “This new project stretches from London Euston to the North of the UK, likely to drive job growth across the regions where career opportunities are weakest. In January 2013, the South-East of England saw 67% of all job postings within the built environment industry, whilst the north of England and Midlands saw only 20% of these jobs. HS2 has the potential to drive growth across these regions and, with 80% of professionals considering a move to work on HS2, it’s important that these newly created positions are put to use where they are needed most. “

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