North Carolina Railroad Company Board of Directors elects new chairman
Posted: 3 November 2017 | Global Railway Review | No comments yet
The North Carolina Railroad Company’s (NCRR) Board of Directors has elected Michael Walters of Fairmont, N.C. to be its new chairman.

Walters was elected chairman during the September meeting of the Board of Directors and succeeds Franklin Rouse of Leland, who served as Chairman since 2014 and will remain on the Board.
“I’m honoured to serve as Chairman of the North Carolina Railroad Company’s Board of Directors,” says Walters. “This Company was created nearly 170 years ago for economic development and continues to fulfill that mission today. I’m excited to work with my fellow Directors, NCRR President Scott Saylor and the staff of this historic company, as we manage the North Carolina Railroad, make strategic investments in freight rail infrastructure and spur job growth for our state.”
Walters has served on the NCRR Board of Directors since 2015 and was Chairman of the Audit and Finance Committee from 2015-2017. In addition to his service on the North Carolina Railroad Board of Directors, Walters is a member of the Board of Directors of the Forestry Mutual Insurance Company as well as the North Carolina Forestry Association. He served three terms in the North Carolina Senate.
The North Carolina Railroad Company
The North Carolina Railroad Company is a private corporation whose stock is owned by the State of North Carolina. The Board of Directors is comprised of 13 members, seven of which are elected by the governor with three each elected by both the Senate and House. The Company manages the use of 317 miles of track stretching from Charlotte to the Port of Morehead City. The Company’s mission is to put the North Carolina Railroad Company to work for the good of the people of North Carolina and improve the state by expanding freight rail opportunities to grow business, enabling rail to move people and investing in North Carolina.