Whitepaper/App Note

Frauscher UK Case Study: Dean Forest Railway

The Dean Forest Railway. Where historical meets state-of-the-art technology, equipped with latest axle counting and wheel detection solutions.

Based on positive experiences with this technology, Dean Forest Railway (DFR) decided to go for an axle counter solution from Frauscher. To provide maximum flexibility and meet the variety of requirements defined, the Frauscher Advanced Counter FAdC was chosen.

On track, nine Frauscher Wheel Sensors RSR123 are now detecting all rail vehicles reliably. Using the system’s ability of establishing individual architectures, the axle counter was collocated with the interlocking inside the existing signal box. Track vacancy detection data is provided to be electronically integrated into the mechanical interlocking. Additionally, Supervisor Track Sections STS and Counting Head Control CHC are providing maximum availability and system resilience. The Frauscher Diagnostic System FDS is being used to provide remote web access via a VPN.

The benefit of a quick installation time was especially advantageous to the Dean Forest Railway. Frauscher UK employees assisted the volunteers of the heritage site to install and commission the FAdC and Wheel Sensors RSR123, which took a total of six days, including laying the cable.

This resulted in a minimum downtime of the site. The possibility of remote diagnostics ensures that a time related benefit is given during operation as well, as it can help off duty staff members to support their colleagues onsite and reduce ongoing maintenance costs. Data configuration and consistency of spare parts, allows for future remodelling and expansion work.

Dean Forest Railway’s closed environment meets Network Rail’s infrastructure soon after Lydney Junction, which is its most southern point. Although not part of the mainline, as a fully operational heritage railway, high standards in terms of signalling and safety must be met, whilst maintaining a historical touch using traditional steam engines, rolling stock and lovingly restored stations, the ‘backstage area’ of this unique railway line has undergone certain measures of modernisation.

In order to meet the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) requirements, The Dean Forest Railway installed two new Schweizer Flex Level Crossing systems, complete with barriers, in September 2018. These incorporated the use of the Frauscher Wheel Sensor RSR123 and the Frauscher Axle Counting System ACS2000 to initiate the automatic barrier movements. In this installation, the RSR123 proved to be fully capable of detecting all the heritage rolling stock, and have been reliably operating the level crossings since commissioning.

Based on their positive experience in using this system, harnessing the RSR123 together with the Frauscher Advanced Counter FAdC was an obvious choice for DFR to extend their train detection system.

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