Whitepaper/App Note

On-board Smart Data Logging for the transportation industry

Posted: 11 February 2020 | | 1 comment

A Smart Data Logging system implies on-board intelligent devices to collect and process field data connected with a Cloud infrastructure to integrate data with IT applications.

The benefits of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in terms of cost reduction and improvement of operational efficiency have brought companies operating in the transportation industry – from automotive to public transport and railway – to adopt smart sensors and meters to track and monitor their assets. A Smart Data Logging system implies on-board intelligent devices to collect and process field data connected with a cloud infrastructure to integrate data with enterprise IT applications.

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    One response to “On-board Smart Data Logging for the transportation industry”

    1. Duqué says:

      An important topic is, not only to collect the data from different connected equipment, but also to collect the data into a standardized format that allows to manage those data in the same way and with the same tools for all the different equipment connected on the TCMS.
      I am surprised that a standard like UIC559 or IRS 50405 (*) is not more used by the railway equipment suppliers.

      (*) “Railway Application – Rolling Stock – Specification “Diagnostic Data Transmission” from railway vehicles”

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