
New report finds investments in stations key to post-COVID-19 recovery

Posted: 12 August 2020 | | No comments yet

A new report by the Urban Transport Group has outlined that investments in train stations will provide a much needed boost to local economies post-pandemic.

New report finds investments in stations key to post-COVID-19 recovery

Investing in rail stations can give a much needed boost to local economies and communities in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, according to a new report published by the Urban Transport Group, which highlights the benefits of devolved authorities’ involvement in station transformation.

The report finds that, by and large, the greater the role of sub-national authorities, the better the local station, strengthening the case for further devolution of the UK’s railways. One third of all trips made on the national rail network (pre-pandemic) were on rail services which are either fully or partially devolved.

The report examines over 35 completed station projects from across the whole of the UK and shows how, by taking an active role in these projects, local and devolved authorities have helped to meet local housing needs and spark regeneration, turn run-down stations into gateways and places to be proud of and improve the accessibility and environmental performance of station buildings. 

The report finds: “In recent years, we have seen more stations transformed from run-down Victorian hulks, or spartan bus-sheltered platforms, into places that people can take pride in, feel comfortable in using and which are fulfilling more of their wider potential. Local councils, and devolved authorities and administrations, have been key to this process.”

The report – ‘Action stations: How devolution is transforming rail stations for the better’ – also highlights plans for new devolved authority promoted stations, such as Darlaston and Willenhall in the West Midlands, and White Rose and Thorpe Park in West Yorkshire. Investing in new stations such as these can become a focus for transport investment, which will be vital as many communities and local economies seek to recover after the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Transport Policy Consultant and Advisor to the Rail Devolution Network, Stephen Joseph, who co-authored the report, said: “Stations are more than simply the places where trains stop, they also help to define those places – acting as attractive gateways which celebrate and reflect history, becoming a focus for commercial and community activities, and even spurring housing developments and wider regeneration.”

He continued: “The need to deliver these types of benefits is more urgent than ever in the wake of the coronavirus crisis. As the custodians of place, local, regional and devolved administrations recognise what stations can do for local communities and economies both now and in the future. Their active role in station projects – whether renovating older stations or building news ones – and the benefits this brings further strengthens the case for greater devolution of our railways.”

The report goes further by looking at the potential to achieve even greater results through devolving more responsibilities for stations – from setting more demanding minimum standards for stations’ facilities, cleanliness, accessibility and security, and delivering common branding with the rest of the local public transport network, through to ensuring plans and funding for stations is integrated with wider plans around housing, economic development and decarbonisation.

Tobyn Hughes, Managing Director of Transport North East and lead Board Member on rail for the Urban Transport Group, added: “Devolved authorities and administrations need significant influence over their local stations, ranging from full or partial ownership of stations, through to having a strong and binding relationship with the owners and operators of stations. As we move from short term emergency arrangements for the funding and oversight of rail networks to something more robust and long term, there is a great opportunity to build on the proven success of rail devolution in delivering better rail services and stations. As this report shows, stations can be wonderful assets for local communities and that this is best achieved by making sure that more decisions on those stations are taken in the places those stations serve.”

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