
RIA urges policymakers to press ahead with Crossrail 2 decision

Posted: 10 January 2019 | | No comments yet

Despite delays to Crossrail 1, policymakers are urged not to delay decisions on moving forward with future projects such as Crossrail 2.

Elizabeth line Crossrail

Credit: Crossrail Ltd/Monica Wells

Following the London Assembly Transport Committee meeting on Crossrail 1 held on 9 January 2019, the Railway Industry Association (RIA) is urging policymakers not to delay a decision on Crossrail 2.

Darren Caplan, RIA’s Chief Executive, said: “From discussions at the London Assembly Budget and Performance Committee on 7 January and at the Transport Committee today, it has become clear that money earmarked for Crossrail 2 will be diverted to completing Crossrail 1.

“Whilst this delay in the opening of Crossrail is regrettable – and the rail industry must always learn lessons on delivering major projects to deadline and budget – we should remember that schemes like Crossrail and Crossrail 2 have a transformational impact on the UK, its economy and connectivity and therefore a delay to one should not affect decisions on the other.”

He continued: “Both these schemes are urgently needed to meet growing demand for rail services. Crossrail 1 will deliver over 57,000 new homes, generate 55,000 jobs and add over £42 billion to the UK economy, benefits that will far exceed the final cost of the project, and Crossrail 2 will similarly support 200,000 new homes, 60,000 new jobs during the project and a 10 per cent increase in rail capacity.”

Crossrail Ltd announced in August 2018 that the opening of the Elizabeth line through central London would be delayed allowing more time for testing.

Darren Caplan added: “We need the Government, Greater London Authority, industry and stakeholders to work together to find innovative ways of finishing Crossrail and, ahead of the Comprehensive Spending Review later this year, to find funding and safeguard the route for Crossrail 2 – alongside progressing projects like HS2, Northern Powerhouse Rail, Trans Pennine Upgrade, East West Rail, across the country.”


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