All aboard for the (((eTicket Germany
Posted: 9 February 2011 | | No comments yet
Central topic of the 40th Kontiki Conference on 3–4 February 2011 in Frankfurt was the eTicketing strategy of the Deutsche Bahn AG (DB)…
Central topic of the 40th Kontiki Conference on 3–4 February 2011 in Frankfurt was the eTicketing strategy of the Deutsche Bahn AG (DB)...
Central topic of the 40th Kontiki Conference on 3–4 February 2011 in Frankfurt was the eTicketing strategy of the Deutsche Bahn AG (DB). But not only DB’s eTicket strategy attracted great interest, DB’s integration in a variety of eTicketing projects of various transit authorities found broad interest among the 135 international conference participants. What was remarkable was the breadth of topics that DB was addressing with eTicketing, showing that DB is forging new paths in public.

Plenary assembly of 135 Kontiki conference participants
Birgit Bohle, DB Senior Vice President of Business Development, focussed on DB eTicketing and eTicketing in the marketplace. She pointed out that by now eTicketing runs through a variety of DB marketing channels and showed this clearly with DB’s three guidelines: their commitment to eTicketing when it benefits the customer and is economical, the commitment to interoperability, and to partnership-based co-operations.
Thomas Giemula from the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs highlighted the federal government’s funding initiative as part of the federal budget, the Wiesbaden Declaration1), and this as national mission. The potential for the public transport sector is found in BIBO2), the multi-functionality of the ticket medium, and in the further development of the Core Application. eTicketing must be considered an all-inclusive issue for which the federal government and states must work together, just like all other concerned parties. The public transport sector must use its market power. Especially the industry is called upon to cooperate in creating a common (((eTicket Germany.
Mathias Hüske, DB Vertrieb, highlighted during the presentation of DB’s eTicket strategy that the eTicket, Internet, and travel information media represent a single unit for DB. The importance of eTicketing has clearly increased for DB. They are working in cooperation with the largest German transport associations on (((eTicket Germany. DB’s business model for the eTicket is characterised by standardisation, capacity for control and sales, and customer benefits.
Dr. Marcus Gemeinder, DB Mobility Logistics AG, explained the path of the ‘Touch&Travel’ project in regular operations. Customer portal, route and price, data management, billing, ease of access: the system fulfils the customer’s requirements. Notably the system had 75% customer satisfaction during test operations! This reflects the great amount of flexibility of the NFC3) technology used. The market start of Touch&Travel will take place in 2011.
Walter Noé from the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (Rhine-Main Transport Association) reported about the In/Out–Systems. He described the complex BIBO system concept. The frameworks of tariffs and sales and the offerings of appropriate user media will determine the future of wide range systems. Two basic ideas were favoured: Use of a user medium developed by the transportation network itself suitable for the masses and/or use of cell phones.
Steffen Bork of the Hamburger Verkehrsverbund (Hamburg Transport Association) and Marc Herberz, DB Systel GmbH, reported on the integration of DB in future eTicketing of the HVV and to the project’s concept and status. Bork explained the background of the new tariff arrangements, the development of an integrated customer data system, and testing in the start region. Market introduction is planned for mid-2011. Marc Herberz described DB’s path away from paper tickets to an eTicket and the current status of the Go Live of the central data pool, the MT2 control device, ticket vending machines, and service centre.
The main focus of integration of DB in the eTicketing project of the Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsverbund (Central German Transport Association) is the further development of interoperable eTicketing with occasional-user tariffs. Speaking about this were Mark Meyer- Eppler, DB Systel GmbH, and Sven Krogull, MDV. The result is an integrated system using elements of the MDV and DB that is also reflected in the unified layout of the tickets.
Another emphasis of co-operative work is the integration of DB in a transit authority-wide back-end system. This is one of the essential components and a strategic building block of the future RMV eTicketing system as presented by Christine Wierach of the Rhine- Main Transit Authority. Sebastian Scholz, DB Vertrieb GmbH, explained the challenges that linking to such a network-wide background system (vHGS) presents. He emphasised how the introduction of a vHGS requires numerous adaptations of sales systems and machines by DB. Starting in December 2011 RMV seasonal tickets should be available through eTicketing.
Wolfgang Holzerland, DB Vertrieb GmbH, concluded this topic block with a presentation of the security management DB created specifically for eTicketing. DB Vertrieb is responsible for security management compliance policies for the VDV Core Application. These duties are carried out in co-operation with the T-Systems Trustcenter for all seven DB areas. This organisation allows for uniform controls for Germany.
Sjef Janssen, VDV Core Application GmbH, reported in the (((eTicket Germany News about the Wiesbaden Declaration, in which the six biggest transit authorities – covering about 70% of all journeyspublished in May 2010 their intention of having at least one of their products available through eTicketing by 2014. This represents a milestone for the introduction of eTicketing in Germany. The VDV-CA is currently working on five central building blocks: KOSES4), development of certification laboratory, participation contracts, development of the City Expressticket, and the transition of the results of the first round of funding by the BMVBS5) in the Core Application.
Kontiki’s new form of working in Forums has received positive feedback. The variety of topics, flexibility, and great commitment of participants shows that this type of conference organisation should be continued. Subsequently in the forums there were intense discussions about the eight highly topical keynote presentations and experiences were shared.
The 40th Kontiki Conference made this clear, as well as showing how the Deutsche Bahn AG, the transport associations, and transportation companies are currently working on the realisation of the (((eTicket Germany.
The next conferences will be taking place:
- London 19 – 20 May 2011
- Hamburg 22 – 23 Sept. 2011
- Münster /NRW Spring 2012
- Wiesbaden Declaration, goal: Creation of a standard ticket platform for public transportation in Germany. Signatories include 6 transit authorities: HVV, RMV, VBB, VVO, VRR, VVS – DB and VDV KA GmbH & Co KG
- BiBO Be In / Be Out, wide range system
- NFC – Near field communication
- KOSES – interoperable barrier management service
- BMVBS – Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs