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HŽ Infrastruktura leading the biggest EU project in Croatia

25 May 2016 | By Renata Suša, President of the Management Board of HŽ Infrastruktura

Croatia became an integral part of the European transport market when it joined the European Union on 1 July 2013, opening up both opportunities and challenges for its railway sector. Croatia initially focused on rebuilding roads but it has recently turned its attention to rail development – especially the modernisation…


Croatia: Infrastructure modernisation for a more competitive railway

12 February 2014 | By Darko Peričić, President of the Management Board, HŽ Infrastructure

2013 was spent implementing the financial and organisational restructuring of Croatian Railways. The company was divided into three independent entities of which HŽ Cargo and HŽ Passenger Transportation are marketorientated transport operators whilst HŽ Infrastructure is the state-owned infrastructure manager. As a result, HŽ Infrastructure has seen major changes.


Protecting our title as main passenger transport operator in Croatia

15 February 2011 | By Marijan Klarić, President of the Management Board, HŽ Putnički prijevoz d.o.o.

HŽ Putnički prijevoz d.o.o. is one of four associated companies in HŽ Holding and its main activity is passenger transport. The mission of HŽ Putnički prijevoz d.o.o. is providing high-quality, reliable, and economically and environmentally acceptable passenger transport services in urban-suburban, local-regional, international and domestic long-distance transport with modern rolling…


Making 2010 the year for accomplishments

28 January 2010 | By Branimir Jerneić, President, HŽ Infrastruktura Management Board

Like in the case of all European railways recently, the global recession found its reflection in freight transport volumes, which in 2009 decreased by 24% in comparison with 2008. Passenger transport increased by 4%, but its increase is much smaller than those recorded in recent years, when passenger transport was…


UIC support development on European corridors in Central Europe

26 March 2009 | By Poul Frøsig, UIC ERTMS/ETCS Project Manager and Global Railway Review Editorial Board Member and Ibrahim Muftic, Signalling & Telecommunication Expert, Railway Design Company in Zagreb

In 1992, the UIC initiated the ETCS project. An EU Transport Conference held in Essen in 1993 and a document published by the Danish transport EU commissioner, was the starting point for considerations on supporting corridors in Central Europe. Mr. Poul Frøsig, the ETCS Project Manager, identified in the Danish…


Taking significant steps forward

23 January 2009 | By Mijat Kurtušic, President of the Management Board, HŽ Infrastruktura

Mijat Kurtušic discusses the events which have made a striking difference to the Croatian railway system over the last two years.


Achieving the goal of positive business activity

29 January 2008 | By Davorin Kobak, President of Management Board, HZ Holding

The year 2007 for Croatian Railways has been marked by intense action in two basic areas. In one of the areas, the aim was to carry out the restructuring process which entered its key phase during the year. Pursuant to the Railways Law and the Act on the Division of…


Continual efforts to achieve results

6 February 2007 | By Davorin Kobak, Chairman of the Management Board, Croatian Railways

The history of Croatian Railways dates back to 1860 when the Kotoriba-Cvakovec-Pragersko line was built in the scope of the Budapest-Vienna line. Croatian Railways were established on 5 October 1991, upon the proclamation of the independence of the Republic of Croatia. The railways became a member of the UIC in…


Survival of Croatian Railways

14 February 2006 | By Davorin Kobak, B.Sc.E, President of the Management Board, hrvatske zveljeznice

The restructuring and modernisation of Croatian Railways are a part of the comprehensive preparations for the accession of Croatia to the European Union. €1.9 billion will be invested in rolling stock and infrastructure from 2006 and 2010. The majority of that amount is to be invested in the modernisation of…