
In-Depth Focus: Bogies & Wheelsets

Posted: 4 June 2021 | | No comments yet

This In-Depth Focus takes a look at some of the latest projects and techniques available to utilise innovative solutions and help improve the lifecycle of bogies and wheelsets – vital rolling stock components.

  • ‘Fingerprint’ measuring project helps to ensure WESTbahn’s fleet availability

Christian Pettauer, CIO at WESTbahn Management GmbH

  • Building tomorrow’s rolling stock with NEXTGEAR

Jose Bertolin, Technical Affairs Manager, UNIFE

  • The digital revolution reaches rolling stock component services

Anders Karlsson, Vice President of Component Services and Sami Kalevirta, Head of Digital Services, VR FleetCare

  • Expert Panel

With participants: Markus Hinterwallner, Head of Technics, Maintenance & Fleet Management, WESTbahn Management GmbH; Francesco Lombardo, Strategic Commercial Projects Manager – Railway Division, Lucchini RS; and Radim Zima, Engineering Director, BONATRANS

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