
Optimising Reliability In-Depth Focus 2018

Posted: 6 September 2018 | | No comments yet

Running a safe, efficient and reliable rail service is the ultimate goal for all passenger and freight operators. But to succeed, the industry must adopt a variety of different tactics. This section explores how to utilise digital trends to monitor train and infrastructure components and how best to deploy methods that track materials transported by rail freight.

Optimising reliability in depth focus 2018

In this In-Depth Focus:

  • Electrifying Denmark’s railway will result in improved reliability
    By 2026, Banedanmark will have carried out work to electrify 1,362km of rail network. For Global Railway Review, Klaus Bergman, Project Director of the Danish railway infrastructure manager’s Electrification Programme, shares details of the catenary systems that will be installed and how the ongoing electrification of the network will result in improved reliability and reduced travel times.
  • i-TRACE: Creating a standardised approach to tracking materials by rail across Australia
    Danny Broad, Chief Executive Officer of the Australasian Railway Association (ARA), provides an overview of i-TRACE, a project which aims to reduce costs and improve the quality of managing the transportation of materials across the Australian rail industry supply chain.
  • The ‘digital wagon’: Technology trends for the rail freight sector
    Rail freight transportation has suffered a dramatic loss of modal share in recent decades. A contributing factor is the freight train wagon, whose significant shortcomings make the system unattractive from a business standpoint. However, as Ceit-IK4 Technology Center colleagues Unai Alvarado and Jaizki Mendizabal explain, taking advantage of technology trends in the railway industry gives rise to very interesting possibilities for innovation. The future wagon – or, the intelligent wagon – is the key enabler for increasing capacity and optimising operations.


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