
Industry works together to present Roadmap for Digital Railways

Posted: 26 April 2016 | | No comments yet

Four railway associations have joined forces to present a joint Roadmap for digital railways to deploy digital technology across the industry.

Industry works together to present Roadmap for Digital Railways

Four railway associations have joined forces to present a joint roadmap for digital railways in order to deploy digital technology across the industry.

Industry works together to present Roadmap for Digital Railways

The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER), the International Rail Transport Committee (CIT), European Rail Infrastructure Managers (EIM) and the International Union of Railways (UIC), confirmed their commitment to digitalisation and its role in the future of the rail sector through a joint roadmap presented today.

Roadmap for Digital Railways emphasises a sector commitment to a digital transformation

Industry works together to present Roadmap for Digital Railways

The roadmap outlines a commitment to a digital transformation by strengthening cooperation, both within the sector and with third parties, and by calling on the help of EU institutions to collectively deliver on the objective of making railways digital. This entails:

  • offering connected railways by providing reliable connectivity for safe, efficient and attractive railways;
  • enhancing customer experience by offering better and added value for customers;
  • increasing capacity by enhancing the reliability, efficiency and performance of railways;
  • boosting competitiveness by making the most of transport data.

Download the Roadmap for Digital Railways here.

CER Executive Director Libor Lochman said: “Digitalisation offers major potential for railways and for Europe’s economy. Railways are committed to working together and with other sectors in order to make the most of the opportunities offered by the digital transformation. It is essential that European institutions complement these initiatives by creating the corresponding policy environment.”

“Digitalisation offers major potential for railways and for Europe’s economy”

CIT Secretary General Cesare Brand said: “CIT together with its members is working on the implementation of the digital roadmap finalising the legal and functional specifications for the electronic consignment note. In parallel with that work, the CIT will further support RailData in its practical work to finalise the technical specifications as part of the e-RailFreight project. The use of the electronic consignment note alongside the various logistic chains will substantially contribute to improve the competitiveness of our member railways.”

EIM Executive Director Monika Heiming said: “Digitalisation will drive the railway’s agenda in the next years to come. The challenge will be to develop collaboratively joint visions for the future versus silo thinking in the past. Rail infrastructure managers will gain a lot from this collaborative approach. Innovation will help them boost their management, performance and deliverables in the interest of all.”

“The challenge will be to develop collaboratively joint visions for the future versus silo thinking in the past”

UIC Director-General Jean-Pierre Loubinoux emphasised that “the principle challenge for the railway operating community is being able to determine, in a joined-up way, where the principle energies must be expended and which technological priorities will be most beneficial to developing the digital European railway system. It is vital that this involves a wide range of stakeholders, with our customers being first and foremost in the line-up. What the customer expects from their rail experience is crucial to the development of an attractive railway system. The UIC has developed its Digitalisation Platform for this express purpose and which will seek to identify best practice from right around the world so as to maximise the developmental opportunities for rail.”

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