
SJ announces global tender for 30 new high-speed trains

Posted: 25 September 2017 | | No comments yet

The board of SJ has announced it is to initiate the procurement of 30 new high-speed trains at the estimated cost of SKr 5-6 billion.

High speed

With a maximum speed of 250km per hour, the tender is for Sweden’s fastest train and the planned investment is the largest train investment made for over 30 years.

By acquiring new modern trains, we will be able to meet the increasing demand for rail travel in the future…”

“The procurement decision is a milestone in our offensive investment strategy,” said Crister Fritzson, CEO of SJ. “By acquiring new modern trains, we will be able to meet the increasing demand for rail travel in the future, while providing our customers with a better travel experience. The new trains will provide better comfort, shorter travel time and increased punctuality and reliability.”

According to the specification, the new trains must have a maximum speed of 250km per hour, have more than 350 seats per vehicle and shall be based on proven technology to reduce the risk of interference.

The trains must also be adapted for Nordic conditions, regarding climate and tolerance for wildlife problems. In the procurement, the focus is on making the trains more intelligent in everything from maintenance and technical equipment to information to travellers.

“We will drive the new trains within Sweden as well as Norway and Denmark,” continued Fritzson. “The plan is to start driving on the Stockholm-Malmö route, as part of our investment in southern Sweden.”

This tender is part of SJ’s investment strategy of a total of SKr 9 billion over a five-year period, which also includes plans to extensively modernise all of the X 2000 trains and the entire night train fleet.

The new high-speed trains will be gradually taken into service from the beginning of 2021 and used on high demand stretches and those needing increased seating capacity.

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