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Issue 4 2014



Investing in the railway system is worthwhile

5 August 2014 | By Doris Bures, the Austrian Federal Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology

The railway system has a tremendous future – if we want to have an economically and environmentally sustainable transport system available to support the ever-increasing mobility of people and goods, then we need to actively promote environmentally-friendly modes of transport, such as the railway system, explains Doris Bures, the Austrian…


Accelerating infrastructure expansion in Austria

5 August 2014 | By Franz Bauer, Director of Infrastructure Provision and Member of the Executive Board at ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG

ÖBB – Austria’s leading railway enterprise – has for some years now been focussing on accelerating expansion of the infrastructure and has pushed investment to a record level. The result brings high-performance rail corridors with excellent connections to the neighbouring EU States, reduced journey times and modern stations which make…


The Brenner Base Tunnel – A railway line for the future

5 August 2014 | By Konrad Bergmeister, CEO at BBT SE

The construction of the 64km-long Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) is in full swing. After the completion of three construction lots in Italy and Austria with an investment of €550 million, the next construction lots are on the way. Konrad Bergmeister, CEO at BBT SE – the company tasked with construction…


SwissRapide Express®: Switzerland’s next generation of passenger transport

5 August 2014 | By Niklaus König – President and CEO of SwissRapide AG

Today, intercity travellers in Switzerland are faced with crowded trains on a daily basis, regular delays causing missed connections as well as traffic jams on the country’s main motorways – valuable time which is lost when commuting, particularly between the cities of Berne and Zurich, Lausanne and Geneva, as well…


CEVA: Connecting Switzerland and France

5 August 2014 | By Antoine Da Trindade, Managing Director for CEVA

CEVA is the acronym for the 16km-long Cornavin–Eaux-Vives–Annemasse rail link project connecting Switzerland and France. It is a project stepped in history which dates back as long ago as 1850. Following many false starts, political disagreements, citizen complaints and objections which went all the way to the Swiss Federal Administrative…


Flooding in Serbia causes catastrophic railway infrastructure damage

5 August 2014 | By Global Railway Review

Due to the catastrophic floods which hit Serbia in late-May 2014, the country’s railway infrastructure suffered huge damages estimated to be in the region of millions of Euros – the consequences of this devastating act of nature on Serbian railway lines will remain for an extended period of time...


Getting ready for the first rail tendering project in Finland

5 August 2014 | By Kimmo Sinisalo, Project Manager for Rail Tendering at HSL

HSL – the Helsinki Region Transport Authority – will start the opening of the Finnish passenger rail market by tendering the contract for local trains starting in 2018. Kimmo Sinisalo – Project Manager for Rail Tendering at HSL – provides more details...


FERRMED – promoting rail freight and intermodality in Europe

5 August 2014 | By Joan Amorós i Pla, Executive Secretary General of FERRMED

FERRMED is a non-profit multi-sectorial association that was founded by the private sector in Brussels in August 2004 in order to improve rail freight transportation and industrial competitiveness in Europe. Joan Amorós i Pla, Executive Secretary General of FERRMED explains more about how the association works and what it stands…


Italo: Increasing its high-speed rail market share with quality services

5 August 2014 | By Paolo Ripa, Chief Commercial and Operation Officer at Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori (NTV)

Despite the economic crisis, the high-speed rail market is currently experiencing a positive trend compared with other modalities – i.e. air, road, and long-distance ‘traditional’ rail, etc. In fact, GDP (Gross Domestic Product) evolution in Italy has been unhealthy during the last two years: -1.8% in 2013 and -2.4% in…


Exporting Italian railway know-how and expertise around the world

5 August 2014 | By Matteo Triglia, Managing Director of Italferr

Drawing up plans and designs, calling for tenders and performing works management, supervision and project management functions in respect of all kinds of infrastructure investments in Italy and worldwide are the major areas of operation in which Italferr, the engineering company within the FS Italiane Group, has been engaged since…