
New track installed for a more reliable service between Norwich and London

Posted: 17 October 2017 | | No comments yet

Work to install new track at Kelvedon, Essex has been completed and will make services from Norwich to London more reliable for the millions of people that travel on the route every year.

New track installed for more reliable service between Norwich and London

To achieve the more reliable service, Network Rail engineers have been working to replace four switches and crossings units (the moveable sections of track that guide trains from one track to another and allow them to cross paths).

We’ve replaced the worn track as part of our Railway Upgrade Plan to improve reliability for all passengers”

“This work is essential to keep services running smoothly and safely every day on the busy mainline,” said Meliha Duymaz, Network Rail’s route managing director for Anglia. “We’ve replaced the worn track as part of our Railway Upgrade Plan to improve reliability for all passengers using services between Norwich and London. I’d like to thank passengers for their patience while we carried out this work.”

Over time, track becomes worn from constant use, especially on a busy main line such as this, and thus needs to be replaced to keep service on the move to improve reliability.

Ballast was also replaced to improve drainage and keep the track in place. This keeps the track in good condition resulting in fewer delays and smoother journeys for passengers.

This work is essential to make the railway more reliable now and in the future”

“We appreciate that engineering works is an inconvenience to our customers, but this work is essential to make the railway more reliable now and in the future,” added Jamie Burles, managing director of Greater Anglia. “Even when there is engineering works, we ensure that our customers are able to complete their journeys, even if part of it is by bus.”

This track replacement follows the installation of 274 metres of new track between Stowmarket and Manningtree in September.

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